Monday, 5 October 2015

  • When it comes to boys and dating, there is no such thing as a foolish question. How are you supposed to know the answers to questions you've never needed to ask before? Teenage dating tips are important for teenagers who are starting to date. Here are a few of the questions we've been asked most often!
Teenage Dating Tips:

  Most Asked Questions

Teenage Dating Tips: How do I know if I'm ready to date?
Everyone develops at different rates, and if you are still uncomfortable with the idea of dating, that's OK. Hanging with friends who don't have boyfriends will stop you from feeling left out. Girls who start too young might find they go too far too soon because they don't know how to put the brakes on. It is far better to wait until you have the confidence to do and say only what you want to.
Teenage Dating Tips: What does being attracted to someone really mean?
Although we think of attraction mainly in terms of looks or personality, it also includes how a person smells (pheromones are our own personal scent), how they treat you, and how you interpret their body language. Although sexual chemistry is not an exact science, studies show that pleasant, warm people are seen as more attractive than cold, distant ones. It's no secret looks are important for first impressions, but usually we end up with people who are on the same level of physical attractiveness as we are.
Teenage Dating Tips: What should I expect from a first date?
Relax. This is not a final examination on which your entire grade is based. A first date is simply an occasion to be with someone else for a certain period of time and for a certain amount of pleasant, personal interaction. It is no different from deciding to meet a friend at a designated place and time. It is the beginning of a new relationship. You are simply making a statement to a guy that you would like to get to know him better.
Teenage Dating Tips: Why are some girls boy crazy? 
One reason some girls are boy crazy is because they need a lot of attention and aren't getting it at home, especially from their fathers. Others need boys to provide some of the qualities they think they can't get by themselves like power (he will protect her), or status (people will admire her more) or independence (an excuse to get out of her home for a while.) Girls who are boy crazy often haven't developed their own identity, giving up on their development for the pursuit of boys. Sadly, they just don't think they are as important as having a boyfriend is.
Teenage Dating Tips: If I like a guy who doesn't do as well in school as I do, shouldn't I hide my brains and talent, just a little?
No! Watch yourself and pay attention to your own unequal thinking. You have the right to be seen as the strong, smart, independent young woman you are. If a guy doesn't like it, too bad for him. But don't sell him short. He might just be as attracted to your intelligence as you are to his strengths.

Good luck as you start dating and be sure to use these teenage dating tips!

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